Athena in Truth Kundalini Energy Group Activations and Mentorship Program

We invite you to continue your journey into the awakening of your Kundalini energy.

We will be offering a series of group sessions where like-minded people will join together in their desire and intention to serve humanity.

During these 1-1/2 hour group channeling sessions, we will systematically go through the energy centers, allowing each of you time to address challenges and areas of your life that reflect trauma and are the cause of a lack of satisfaction. This process will reveal things in your field by uncovering elements in the fields of others.

Kundalini activation occurs at just the right time and place in a human's life. Developing trust and a deep sense of worthiness is key to its release.

To achieve the most satisfying life, the release of your Kundalini is necessary. This union between you, the human, and your soul expression will birth a whole new expression of life that you never thought possible.

Once a full rise is obtained, you will know yourself as the Divine. The incessant search, longing, and constant need for connection will vanish. You will move into this very peaceful, knowing, connective state where everything that you have ever searched for has been inside you all along.

Connection isn’t perfection; connection is realization. When the Kundalini energy rises and unifies the male and female Divine energy, the door gets opened, and you gain access to yourself.

In separation and a lack of belief, it’s hard to imagine what you already are and have access to. In some sense, the dramatic arrival of Kundalini energy is what is needed to confirm to you who and what you are. Once you have this experience, there is no going back, and you will no longer doubt anything ever again.

We invite you to join us on the journey into your soul and awaken yourself by opening the channels to the Divine. These 1-1/2 hour sessions will be announced on our website, and after we complete one, we will offer the next date for the next one. By keeping a regular focus and intent in this direction and assisting you in staying balanced, we can provide the best opportunity for your Kundalini to rise.

Please watch for our upcoming mentorship program and reach your goals to realize yourselves.


What to Expect and How to Prepare

Athena will be assisting a group of participants in releasing and clearing energetic entrapments stored in the energy centers. The process will be interactive. Participants will be sharing what they feel as well as listening to other's and learning from them as well. Often times, we can uncover some of our own blockages by listening to other's stories. Each individual should work on releasing what is stored within them to allow the kundalini energy to ascend without encountering sometimes painful blockages. We are systematically assisting participants in moving through repeat experiences or problematic things, so doing this periodically is beneficial.

The best way to prepare for these sessions is to hold the intention to open to your divine flow and to believe you are the one that determines the flow. As you create that environment everything that has separated you will begin to come forward for your observation. As you begin to have realizations, Athena will assist you in obtaining clarity and understanding of how you have created your reality. As this process is repeated more and more layers of emotion which have been denying divine flow into the human will be released.


Mentorship is also available in this program for those that are knowledgeable about Kundalini and are desiring to activate their Kundalini Energy. During our time together you will have an opportunity to ask questions about any personal experiences you are needing clarity on and guidance towards the evolution of your soul. We are stimulating the energy centers of all those we are interacting with, not just in the words we exchange, but in the energetic field of which you all join.

When we meet individually or in groups the divine part of you joins the open portal that we provide to communicate with you and uses that opportunity to connect to you. During this connection through your agreement you divine counterpart assists in opening your chakras and receiving the flow of your own energy that is always there but has been denied entry. This interactive exchange will be triggering memories, feelings, and releasing of past traumas. As those that participate come open and desiring of connection, the divine part of you will stimulate you to bring up what is held within you that is preventing that connection from being fully experienced.

We will assist you in peeling off the layers of entrapments that are the only thing that separate you from your source. You were meant to be fully satisfied in your experience and if there is any area of your life that is not reflecting full satisfaction there is something held within you that is preventing it. We can address ongoing Kundalini symptoms, experiences, and any difficulties that could be caused by a partial rise or dramatic rise that has been disruptive for the experiencer. We can also address those who have been on a spiritual path for quite sometime but have not achieved a fully satisfying experience in regard to their connection. The main goal of mentorship is to assist you in your observation of yourself and create alignment to your source.

The mentorship part of this program is meant for those who want to serve humanity and are well on the path of spiritual understanding. It is our mission to activate those who want to become healers and teachers. By activate, we mean to allow the soul to express itself at the full level of its divinity and to realize itself in that power. We hope to work with as many of you as possible in the coming months and years to achieve full satisfaction in your human experience.


Creating Flow Through Kundalini Energy

The Kundalini Energy is what you all are and what every expression of life is. It is either still or flowing. So in essence it is either allowed by you or resisted by you. This concept or understanding is necessary for you to be able to consciously allow flow.  Life force energy is what creates aliveness and connection to flow and ease in your life. Therefore if you did not have access Kundalini Energy you would not be alive.  Further if you are resisting Kundalini through entrapments your vitality, manifestation speed, creativity and passion would be decreased. 


These concepts change everything. “I AM is Kundalini Energy.” “ I need to be perfect to access Kundalini Energy, NOT TRUE!” “ I can open my field by the release of entrapments and allow my Kundalini to flow and access effortless creation.” 

This what you live for, to experience yourself in your true and highest potentiality. It is why you express yourself in all the ways and all the places you do. Enacting that powerful potentiality is what expands you in your individual piece of the Divine and allows your expression to be equal to its source. Imagine you, being fully in the power of the Divine setting out to leave your impression wherever you go.


Robin Jelinek

Channeler of Athena in Truth

For over 40 years, Robin has been pursuing a greater meaning in life. She studied metaphysics and spirituality in great depth trying to find something, especially after her kids had grown up and moved out of the house. About 20 years ago she experienced a kundalini awakening that is a very rare, almost out-of-body experience. It’s an experience that people have supposedly spent entire lifetimes to achieve. It was about this time that the group came knocking at Robin’s door, but it took another 20 years for her to realize it.

Robin was first a wife, then a mother, and now she’s a channeler. She doesn’t view herself as being gifted or higher because information flows through her. She’s simply a vessel for the truth. She does her best to share the information with others. She must completely remove herself from the delivery and outcome. In this way, the information being brought forth can be pure spirit.

Robin experienced a partial kundalini rising, and eventually concluding in multiple risings, one beginning in the root chakra and the other coming down through the crown of her head, Robin's journey has included nearly everything that someone might encounter during their kundalini awakening experience.

Heidi Fralick

Course Facilitator / Co-Writer

Since I was a child, I had a curiosity about what I called at the time, magic. I felt like there was something more that existed than my five senses could detect. When I was in my mid-thirties, I was introduced to a channeler and had the realization of what I thought of as magic as a child was really a connection to all that is and what powerful creators we are. It was a pivotal point in my life that sent me on a spiritual journey.

As it is for Robin, it is the same for me, being a wife and a mother came first for many years. I am at a place now in life where I can devote more time to my own spiritual growth and to assisting others. I have accumulated a lot of knowledge over the years about spirituality. I consider it an honor to be part of the Athena in Truth’s team assisting in whatever ways I am needed.

Choose a Pricing Option

A how to prepare for this session and a zoom link will be emailed to you approximately 10 days prior to activation date.

There is no content posted ahead on this site. The replay and downloadable meditation will be posted here after live session.