Healing on All Levels

Your belief in wellness is your most powerful tool to stay well, but first, you must learn to discern what your own beliefs are. You adopt beliefs throughout your life, first from your parents, then from your school systems, friends, and eventually from your jobs and government. By the time you reach young adulthood, you've accumulated numerous beliefs that you didn't actively choose. You assumed they were right because people you cared about told you so. While some of these beliefs may indeed be right, many are passed down from generation to generation. Often, beliefs are formed out of fear, and those who care about you believe they are doing you a favor by passing on their beliefs to you. 

The purpose of this course is to assist you in finding your own truths and letting go of what hasn't served you well up to this point. Diets and exercise can be helpful, but if your beliefs are negative or fear-based, they won't help you stay well. You must first recognize that you are the creator of your own experience. You need to do the work of identifying the adopted beliefs that are negatively affecting you. Then, you must delve into your emotions and triggers, starting to see them for what they are: behaviors and beliefs shaped by your life experiences. 

Everything you need to be well is already within you. You may not be aware of this or how to access it, but it's all there. If you're willing to work on healing stored emotions and traumas, even those you might not be conscious of, then you will heal. As humans, we often overcomplicate things and struggle to trust our own instincts. Many of us have become unconscious within our own lives. We are quick to believe in studies, doctors, and governments because we assume they must have the facts. This is where many falter. Everything that exists today started as a thought. Before the thought existed, no one believed it. Throughout history, there have been theories that were completely disproven, and studies that went back and forth on the best diets, supplements, and exercises. If we want to be well, we must advocate for ourselves and discover our own truths. 

More and more people are awakening to the illusion of blindly accepting some things as fact and joining in that belief with mass consciousness. You are the one who chooses the experiences you will have. Things aren't happening to you randomly; they are happening for you, alerting you to what your higher self knows you came to heal. If you've been suffering in your life, tried various options to feel better, and haven't found a solution, why not give this a try? If it doesn't work for you, you're certainly no worse off. If it does work for you, your life will be amazing!

Many Ways To Heal

There are many ways to heal and we want you to follow what resonates the most with you. By aligning to what feels most like truth to you and stirs your curiosity, you will find your path. There is no one right way and learning to trust your instincts is what will align you to your source and create the connection that you desire to have.

Robin Jelinek

Channeler of Athena in Truth

For over 40 years, Robin has been pursuing a greater meaning in life. She studied metaphysics and spirituality in great depth trying to find something, especially after her kids had grown up and moved out of the house. About 20 years ago she experienced a kundalini awakening that is a very rare, almost out-of-body experience. It’s an experience that people have supposedly spent entire lifetimes to achieve. It was about this time that the group came knocking at Robin’s door, but it took another 20 years for her to realize it.

Robin was first a wife, then a mother, and now she’s a channeler. She doesn’t view herself as being gifted or higher because information flows through her. She’s simply a vessel for the truth. She does her best to share the information with others. She must completely remove herself from the delivery and outcome. In this way, the information being brought forth can be pure spirit.

Robin experienced a partial kundalini rising, and eventually concluding in multiple risings, one beginning in the root chakra and the other coming down through the crown of her head, Robin's journey has included nearly everything that someone might encounter during their kundalini awakening experience.

Heidi Fralick

Course Facilitator / Writer

Since I was a child, I had a curiosity about what I called at the time, magic. I felt like there was something more that existed than my five senses could detect. When I was in my mid-thirties, I was introduced to a channeler and had the realization of what I thought of as magic as a child was really a connection to all that is and what powerful creators we are. It was a pivotal point in my life that sent me on a spiritual journey.

As it is for Robin, it is the same for me, being a wife and a mother came first for many years. I am at a place now in life where I can devote more time to my own spiritual growth and to assisting others. I have accumulated a lot of knowledge over the years about spirituality. I consider it an honor to be part of the Athena in Truth’s team assisting in whatever ways I am needed.

Example Curriculum

  Section 1 - Healing on All Levels Q&A
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Section 2 - Identifying Your Energetic Entrapments
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Section 3 - Working With Your Inner Child
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Section 4 - Dialoging With Painful Emotions
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Section 4 - Identifying Roles or Identities Created
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Section 5 - Closing
Available in days
days after you enroll

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